Full-Stack Developer

I am a Full-Stack developer based on Mendoza, Argentina. I am passionate about programming and problem solving, I am constant in what I do and always looking to improve and learn from others.

Nicolás Cabello


Over the years I have delved into different programming languages (such as Java, C#, C++ or Python), but I decided to list only my ‘skills’ related to Front-end and Back-end development that I have polished the most during the last two years.



These are some of the personal projects I have worked on recently. Inside each project page I wrote a brief description of the project, the languages, frameworks and various tools I used for its development, as well as the link to the GitHub repository.

Expense Tracker

Expense Tracker

A web application made with React and Node.js that allows the user to keep track of their expenses and incomes, categorize them and filter them as desired.

Kenshi Yonezu Website

Kenshi Yonezu Website

Inspired by the famous Japanese artist Kenshi Yonezu, this website tries to collect and translate into Spanish all his work available on the internet, as well as the latest related news and interviews he has done.



Tsuini.com is a website focused on publishing translations of Japanese songs into Spanish, keeping track of the artists involved and giving fair recognition to the people involved into the translation process.


I often like to share through articles the solutions I come up with when faced with different problems. These are some of the last ones I have written.

Going multilingual with Gatsby and i18next

Going multilingual with Gatsby and i18next

Creating a website in multiple languages can be a relatively simple task, especially when it comes to small pages and without much projection of growth, but when it comes to a blog things can get a little complicated. While developing my blog I had to deal with this issue and in this article I want to share the solution I came up with.

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Understanding the Merge Sort algorithm and implementing it in JavaScript

Understanding the Merge Sort algorithm and implementing it in JavaScript

Understanding the complexity behind an algorithm can be very useful when deciding which implementation is the most suitable to solve a particular problem. This time I would like to gut the Merge Sort algorithm, its advantages and disadvantages, along with a simple implementation in JavaScript, but easily extrapolated to any other programming language.

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