Expense Tracker

Expense Tracker

Project Details

Duration: Six days
Developed with:

About this project

In order to enter the Alkemy Labs in April I had to solve a challenge, in which I had to develop a fullstack web application with React and Node.js that would allow the user to keep track of their expenses and income, Expense Tracker was the result.

The reality is that I had very little time to develop all the features listed and I had been years without using relational databases and React without other frameworks like Next.js or Gatsby, so it was a really difficult challenge for me.

  • A PostgreSQL database.
  • User system.
  • Authentication with JWT.
  • Private and public routes in the Frontend.
  • A category system to filter expenses.

It is because of this lack of time that I could not create unit tests for the project, along with some other features that I would have liked to incorporate.
I was able to save some time by making a mobile first design, adapting to desktop devices what was strictly necessary.